How to start a lending business in Nigeria from Canada, UK, and the US
So, if you’re serious about starting a lending business in Nigeria from the comfort of your Japa base, you’re in the right place. We’ve laid out the steps you need to turn that vision into reality.
What is debt forgiveness and how does it work?
If you reside in a country where debt forgiveness programs exist and are struggling to cover debt payments or feel like you’ll never be able to pay everything off, you might consider debt forgiveness an option.
5 issues that lenders have with Nigerian credit bureaus
Before credit bureaus were created in Nigeria, banks operated as lone wolves, reluctant to share credit information with third parties. They also didn’t have ways of knowing if a borrower had unpaid loans with other banks/financial institutions. As such, borrowers could easily secure multiple loans and cart away funds from different institutions without the lenders […]