When is the right time to commence recovery as a digital lender
Industry Information

When is the right time to commence recovery as a digital lender

Recovery involves a shift in strategy compared to repayment or collection. It's about ethically stepping up efforts to retrieve what's owed to you, employing assertive tactics to ensure full repayment of the loan.

What payment gateways are available to Lendsqr lenders?

What payment gateways are available to Lendsqr lenders?

At the core of any decent loan management software, you must have payment services or providers that help you manage your loan disbursement and collection process.

How to spot and block fraudulent borrowers
Lendsqr webinar

How to spot and block fraudulent borrowers

Grace Effiom,Ā  the Head of Enterprise at Lendsqr, hosted a webinar featuring Ope Adeoye, CEO of OnePipe, where they discussed the latest approaches to combating fraud in the digital lending space.