5 lending business activities to monitor daily

5 lending business activities to monitor daily

There are key lending business activities to monitor to ensure your lending business is on the right track. Generate reports of these activities and review them daily for best results. Lending is serious and sensitive business and must be conducted with the utmost attention to details. The last thing you want is to have put […]

7 effective debt collection practices and legal considerations
How to

7 effective debt collection practices and legal considerations

When you choose effective debt collection practices, treat debtors with respect and adhere to the law, you're more likely to collect what you're owed. 

7 reasons why most lenders fail within a year 
Growth marketing

7 reasons why most lenders fail within a year 

Even the tech industry giants owe much of their success to the backing of lenders and bankers. However, despite its potential for high returns, many lenders still face challenges and fail.