Does your loan business really need an app?

Does your loan business really need an app?

The truth is, most lenders don’t need to have a loan app, not only because of the stress of having one, but because the net impact on the business might even be negative.

Customer count or profitability: which is more important for a lender?
Growth marketing

Customer count or profitability: which is more important for a lender?

Running a lending business, as is the case with running any other business, requires business owners to make some tough decisions. Most lenders, especially those new to the lending business, are typically faced with the high-consequence question: “What should I primarily focus on -growing my customer count or growing profitably?” The former is concerned with […]

What payment gateways are available to Lendsqr lenders?

What payment gateways are available to Lendsqr lenders?

At the core of any decent loan management software, you must have payment services or providers that help you manage your loan disbursement and collection process.