When to go legal with loan defaulters
Industry Information

When to go legal with loan defaulters

Whether you're a small lender or a big institution, the decision to pursue legal action against a defaulter is governed by various factors, including the loan type, the borrower's behavior, and, most importantly, the legal framework in your jurisdiction.

How to use Lendsqr’s API to build rent-now-pay-later

How to use Lendsqr’s API to build rent-now-pay-later

The credit ecosystem is democratizing access to better housing through rent-now-pay-later (RNPL) loan services. Learn more.

Customer count or profitability: which is more important for a lender?
Growth marketing

Customer count or profitability: which is more important for a lender?

Running a lending business, as is the case with running any other business, requires business owners to make some tough decisions. Most lenders, especially those new to the lending business, are typically faced with the high-consequence question: “What should I primarily focus on -growing my customer count or growing profitably?” The former is concerned with […]