How we use Metabase to power our internal reporting

How we use Metabase to power our internal reporting

Metabase team deserves immense credit and we, at Lendsqr, are incredibly grateful to them. Their open-source platform is one of the best things we've ever gotten for free from the open source world.

Building the right culture in your lending business
How to

Building the right culture in your lending business

Culture is a critical requirement for any business to achieve its business objectives. As the popular saying goes, “culture eats strategy for breakfast”. Well-thought out strategies, processes, policies, frameworks and models; without an enabling culture won’t return desired corporate values for any organization. A lending business, like any other business requires the right culture to […]

How to obtain a moneylenders’ license in Nigeria
How to

How to obtain a moneylenders’ license in Nigeria

Now that you have succeeded in your building efforts so far, you mustn’t forget the final hurdle. You need a moneylenders license to operate your lending business in Nigeria.