How to use Lendsqr APIs to power your loan app

How to use Lendsqr APIs to power your loan app

A typical loan app primarily involves three (3) key things: Onboarding, Decisioning, and Payment. Use Lendsqr API to make this a reality.

You can now activate your direct debit mandates in 1 minute

You can now activate your direct debit mandates in 1 minute

Our direct debit system is now equipped with E-Mandate, an addition that puts control directly in the hands of your customers. Gone are the days when you and your customers have to chase bank officers around to approve mandates.

The need for financial models to build a successful loan business

The need for financial models to build a successful loan business

Financial models perform as business GPS for lenders to avoid roadblocks and predict financial performance. But there are more ways they empower lenders.