How to Sell Your Loan Products

How to Sell Your Loan Products

In our posts on getting your lending business up and running, we mentioned that the next step after creating your loan products was to invite borrowers to view and apply for them. In this post, we will be talking a bit about that process, which is really all about “selling” your loan products.

What is loan fraud and red flags to spot fraudulent borrowers

What is loan fraud and red flags to spot fraudulent borrowers

Lending comes with its risks, and adding technology into the mix can make things even trickier. Loan fraud, in particular, has gotten pretty sophisticated, so lenders need to stay alert and watch out for common scams and sneaky tactics.

Why GSI fails for borrowers with unpredictable income
Industry Information

Why GSI fails for borrowers with unpredictable income

Today, we’ll be highlighting three major challenges lenders may encounter when using GSI to recover loans from borrowers with unpredictable income: