Categories of low-risk borrowers lenders should target

Categories of low-risk borrowers lenders should target

Saying, “I don't want high-risk borrowers,” is one thing; articulating the low-risk customers you seek is another. We have done the grunt work of identifying and categorizing traditionally low-risk borrowers.

How to use Lendsqr APIs to power your loan app

How to use Lendsqr APIs to power your loan app

A typical loan app primarily involves three (3) key things: Onboarding, Decisioning, and Payment. Use Lendsqr API to make this a reality.

Why Credit Scoring is Important to Lending

Why Credit Scoring is Important to Lending

A big determinant in whether you decide to lend a borrower money or not is the confidence you have in the borrower’s ability and willingness to pay you back your money. We have mentioned before that their ability and willingness to return your money are two very different things. Just because someone has the means to pay their debts doesn’t mean […]