How to use Freshchat with Lendsqr for your in-app chat experience
How to

How to use Freshchat with Lendsqr for your in-app chat experience

Freshchat and Lendsqr have teamed up to provide a simple communication system you can easily manage and your customers can easily access. Read how!

When silence speaks volume: communicating with defaulters 101
Lender information

When silence speaks volume: communicating with defaulters 101

For small and medium lenders, communicating with defaulters is like walking a tightrope. Do it well; you might salvage the relationship and recover your money. Handle it poorly, and you risk losing not just your funds but also your reputation.

If your employer won’t give you a staff loan, ditch them!
How to

If your employer won’t give you a staff loan, ditch them!

Read how staff loans drive employee happiness and productivity