10 intriguing facts about Lendsqr

10 intriguing facts about Lendsqr

Lendsqr is way more than a loan management platform. At the core of our services is a story. One woven with threads of innovation and, some might say intrigue. 

Let’s help you separate sheep from wolves!
How to

Let’s help you separate sheep from wolves!

We both know that not all customers are the same: some are angels, others are less salubrious; some are good for the money, and others will probably fleece you. How then do you separate the wheat from chaff or the sheep from the wolves?  Or how do you even meet regulatory demands of Know Your […]

5 benefits of tracking all your bank accounts in one app

5 benefits of tracking all your bank accounts in one app

Financial chaos is the enemy of peace of mind. When your money is scattered across multiple accounts, it’s harder to keep track of money flowing in and going out.