Attracting your ideal clientele as a lender
How to

Attracting your ideal clientele as a lender

As a lender, repeat customers are essential for building and maintaining a healthy business; but expanding your clientele and attracting new customers is the key to growing your business, as well as growing your income. Financial lending is one of the growing niches in the Fintech space and will experience massive growth in few years […]

What license do I need to lend?

What license do I need to lend?

Read about the license(s) you need to lend

Everything’s getting better this September

Everything’s getting better this September

A happy new month to our excellent lenders! We hope last month was filled with good surprises and that September’s surprises will be even better. In the last month, we’ve worked tirelessly to bring you some really great features that we know will make your lending experience much better. Keep reading to know more about […]