A state of emergency! Without student loans, Nigeria has no future

A state of emergency! Without student loans, Nigeria has no future

Student loans are the bridge between potential and success in many parts of the world. Yet the cost of acquiring education has become increasingly prohibitive for many Nigerian families.

What is on-lending and how does it work?

What is on-lending and how does it work?

While there are several ways to finance a lending business, on-lending remains one of the most underutilized methods, likely due to a lack of information.

How to start lending for free with Lendsqr 

How to start lending for free with Lendsqr 

A typical state lender who has about N20 million capital is targeting the working class Nigeria, targeting loan sizes of N30,000 to N150,000. Knowing they stand no chance of growing the business if they demand their borrowers come to an office, they invariably would need technology, such as a mobile or website, to reach their […]