Indicina vs Lendsqr: Which loan management platform suits your needs?

Indicina vs Lendsqr: Which loan management platform suits your needs?

With many options available in the market, two prominent loan management platforms that often stand out are Indicina and Lendsqr. Learn more about them.

Assurdly increased employee happiness by 100%. You can do the same!
Lender case study

Assurdly increased employee happiness by 100%. You can do the same!

Assurdly helped its staff get access to loans for them to buy personal items and work tools. The employee happiness and engagements went through the roof!

Coverdey dey for you: Empowering underserved traders with credit
Lender case study

Coverdey dey for you: Empowering underserved traders with credit

Many up-and-coming lenders claim to be financially inclusive and say they are bridging the credit gap. However, not many are truly bringing credit closer to the often marginalized populace. That is, until Coverdey.