How we use Metabase to power our internal reporting

How we use Metabase to power our internal reporting

Metabase team deserves immense credit and we, at Lendsqr, are incredibly grateful to them. Their open-source platform is one of the best things we've ever gotten for free from the open source world.

When to go legal with loan defaulters
Industry Information

When to go legal with loan defaulters

Whether you're a small lender or a big institution, the decision to pursue legal action against a defaulter is governed by various factors, including the loan type, the borrower's behavior, and, most importantly, the legal framework in your jurisdiction.

5 ways in which Lendsqr wants to use AI for lenders

5 ways in which Lendsqr wants to use AI for lenders

What if we could develop an AI tool for lenders to quickly sift through the information and make decisions easier and quicker?