Is your loan business truly financially inclusive?

Is your loan business truly financially inclusive?

Are you truly "Granting credit access to the underserved"? Is it just a spiel that you tell your customers and investors to give them more trust in your business? Find out if your loan business is truly inclusive.

What repayment methods are available for lenders to get paid?
Growth marketing

What repayment methods are available for lenders to get paid?

Ensuring that loans get repaid can be a real headache for lenders, and the stakes are high. Whether you’re looking for the steady reliability or quick turnarounds, each method provides a different way to manage and secure loan repayments.

6 common misconceptions about using GSI for loan recovery
How to

6 common misconceptions about using GSI for loan recovery

GSI can be triggered on customer's accounts when they don't pay their loan. Not true!