Should I lend to this customer? A guide to risk assessment

Should I lend to this customer? A guide to risk assessment

For any lending business to be profitable, a lender must be assured of recovering their loan. Here are a few practical guides on how to determine if you should lend to a borrower or not.

How to restructure loans and work with struggling borrowers
How to

How to restructure loans and work with struggling borrowers

Loan restructuring is a common aspect of being a money lender. Borrowers, with sincere intentions to repay, often face hurdles such as economic shifts, unexpected emergencies, and other unforeseen circumstances. So, here are the ways you can help restructure loans for these borrowers.

How to use SeerBit with Lendsqr for loan repayment

How to use SeerBit with Lendsqr for loan repayment

For any lender, the most essential part of a loan is making sure it gets repaid. As a digital lender on Lendsqr, you need not worry because we provide the technologies to drive your loan repayments, partnering with one of the best payment providers -SeerBit,