We built Lendsqr to innovate affordable credit for all

We built Lendsqr to innovate affordable credit for all

There’s no shortage of research to show how crucial consumer credit is to the average Nigerian and the economy as a whole. But we like to think of credit from how it affects people and it is often the one tool people use to deal with economic shocks. In Nigeria, those economic shocks can be […]

How to find a profitable lending niche and target the right borrowers
How to

How to find a profitable lending niche and target the right borrowers

As a loan business owner looking to succeed, scale and stand out in the lending ecosystem, you must recognize that you can’t lend to everyone. We’ve highlighted several ways to target the right borrowers and find a profitable niche. 

What is Lending-as-a-Service?

What is Lending-as-a-Service?

Lending-as-a-service (LaaS) is in the business of technology and not money lending