10 intriguing facts about Lendsqr

10 intriguing facts about Lendsqr

Lendsqr is way more than a loan management platform. At the core of our services is a story. One woven with threads of innovation and, some might say intrigue. 

What do borrowers want from lenders?
How to

What do borrowers want from lenders?

It’s a widely spread belief amongst lenders that handing over cash or processing loans faster is all that borrowers want. Unfortunately, lending is more nuanced than this. To have a deeper understanding into what drives Nigerians towards one lender or the other, Lendsqr conducted a survey to find out the preferences of borrowers in Nigeria. […]

How to use Lendsqr to power your company employee loans
How to

How to use Lendsqr to power your company employee loans

Happy employees are good for business. Lendsqr partners with your loan business to help keep them motivated, loyal, focused, and well taken care of especially during emergencies. See how!