Best loan management software for Kenyan lenders: Lendsqr vs. Presta
Industry Information

Best loan management software for Kenyan lenders: Lendsqr vs. Presta

Digital lending has completely transformed Kenya’s financial landscape, thanks in large part to mobile money platforms like M-Pesa. With over 83% of Kenyans using mobile money, access to quick credit has never been easier. This rise in digital lending has driven adoption rates sky-high—making it simpler for millions of Kenyans to access loans in minutes […]

How to obtain a moneylenders’ license in Nigeria
How to

How to obtain a moneylenders’ license in Nigeria

Now that you have succeeded in your building efforts so far, you mustn’t forget the final hurdle. You need a moneylenders license to operate your lending business in Nigeria.

Fund your lending business with on-lending facilities
How to

Fund your lending business with on-lending facilities

The credit gap in Nigeria is massive, at over 74 trillion. However, there are still not enough loans to go around for everyone who needs them. Beyond the tech to scale, lenders also need the capital to lend. How many loans could a startup lender possibly give from bootstrapping? Say a lender starts with N10m […]