5 issues that lenders have with Nigerian credit bureaus
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5 issues that lenders have with Nigerian credit bureaus

Before credit bureaus were created in Nigeria, banks operated as lone wolves, reluctant to share credit information with third parties. They also didn’t have ways of knowing if a borrower had unpaid loans with other banks/financial institutions. As such, borrowers could easily secure multiple loans and cart away funds from different institutions without the lenders […]

Are lenders evil for charging high interest rates?

Are lenders evil for charging high interest rates?

The average lender today would typically charge 4% — 10% per month (48% — 120% per year) on a loan. Whoa. Does it make you wonder how they are able to recover loans with these rates? What probably immediately comes to mind is how crazy and horrible these rates are and that there is no […]

How to use Mono with Lendsqr for credit scoring
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How to use Mono with Lendsqr for credit scoring

One of these leading providers, Mono, is a technology company founded in 2020 by CEO Abdulhamid Hassan. They are on a mission to power the digital economy in Africa, using open banking as a layer for financial data, identity data, and bank transfer payments for businesses.