Essential loan pricing strategies for every lender
Industry Information

Essential loan pricing strategies for every lender

Loan pricing is deciding how much interest to charge on a loan. In this article, we'll look at some factors influencing loan pricing and discuss different strategies for setting loan prices.

How to communicate with delinquent borrowers

How to communicate with delinquent borrowers

Delinquent borrowers — whose loans are past due and remain unpaid — often challenge even the most empathic lenders who excel at customer communication. Learn how to communicate with them today

You can now recover your Lendsqr account

You can now recover your Lendsqr account

We have introduced a seamless process for account recovery, even if you've lost access to your two-factor authentication (2FA) devices.  Now, when activating 2FA, you'll generate recovery codes to ensure access in case of emergencies.