How to use SeerBit with Lendsqr for loan repayment

How to use SeerBit with Lendsqr for loan repayment

For any lender, the most essential part of a loan is making sure it gets repaid. As a digital lender on Lendsqr, you need not worry because we provide the technologies to drive your loan repayments, partnering with one of the best payment providers -SeerBit,

What makes a great loan software

What makes a great loan software

Whether you decide to build your loan software or use a LaaS platform like Lendsqr, consider these things

Urgent10k: Meeting the emergency cash needs of Nigerians
Lender case study

Urgent10k: Meeting the emergency cash needs of Nigerians

Nigeria’s untapped consumer credit needs currently stands at about N109 trillion. Urgent10k is meeting the emergency cash needs of Nigerians