What problem is Lendsqr solving for lenders?

What problem is Lendsqr solving for lenders?

At Lendsqr, we believe that just like the way the internet created a level playing field and ushered Africa into the modern age, technology for lending should be powerful, accessible, and affordable.

A borrower’s right to data privacy is not negotiable
Growth marketing

A borrower’s right to data privacy is not negotiable

Nothing gets your heart racing several miles per minute like the chance that you may not recover your loans right?

Why using bank statements is important for loan decisions
How to

Why using bank statements is important for loan decisions

Perhaps the greatest head-scratcher for lenders is the fact that an average Nigerian doesn’t have a credit report (yikes!) but bank statements have proven to be a solid tool for assessing a borrower’s capacity to take a loan. Sometimes, it may even be a means of assessing their character as well (Interesting right? Stay tuned). […]