How to use myBankStatement with Lendsqr for credit scoring
How to

How to use myBankStatement with Lendsqr for credit scoring

The goal is to understand an individual's cash flow and overall financial capacity. Bank statements ideally offer the most granular data for this assessment.

5 benefits of tracking all your bank accounts in one app

5 benefits of tracking all your bank accounts in one app

Financial chaos is the enemy of peace of mind. When your money is scattered across multiple accounts, it’s harder to keep track of money flowing in and going out.

Lendsqr’s guide to responsible lending

Lendsqr’s guide to responsible lending

Credit is one of the surest ways to grow an economy and bring smiles to the faces of small business owners, artisans trying to finish a supply, and fathers trying to provide for their families. If you’re a lender reading this, you’re probably thinking you made the right decision choosing this line of business right? […]