What is loan fraud and red flags to spot fraudulent borrowers

What is loan fraud and red flags to spot fraudulent borrowers

Lending comes with its risks, and adding technology into the mix can make things even trickier. Loan fraud, in particular, has gotten pretty sophisticated, so lenders need to stay alert and watch out for common scams and sneaky tactics.

How to get a lending license in Kenya
How to

How to get a lending license in Kenya

To get a lending license in Kenya, your application must be accompanied by these documents.

VeendHQ Vs. Lendsqr: Which loan management software is right for you?

VeendHQ Vs. Lendsqr: Which loan management software is right for you?

The difference between a flourishing lender and one that’s struggling to stay afloat is often evident in one critical factor: the lender’s technology or, in this case, the lender’s loan management software (LMS). VeendHQ and Lendsqr boasts of excellent features and benefits. But which one truly stands out?