How to use Loandisk with Lendsqr
How to

How to use Loandisk with Lendsqr

Instead of choosing between Loandisk and Lendsqr loan management systems, lenders can access everything from unified platforms, having the best of both worlds.

Why Nigerians don’t pay their loans

Why Nigerians don’t pay their loans

The frustration that comes from not being able to recover your money because Nigerians don’t pay back their loans on time isn’t up for debate. After all, we all get replete with stories of the high and mighty, and the not so mighty, dragging it out with banks regarding bad loans. “The Nigerian attitude to […]

Lendsqr and HyperVerge partner to thwart loan fraudsters in Africa
How to

Lendsqr and HyperVerge partner to thwart loan fraudsters in Africa

At least 6% of loan applications to digital lenders contain identity fraud. Since the advent of digital lending, the time it takes to get loans has reduced from days to sometimes seconds. Unfortunately, it has also made it easier for fraudsters to use stolen identities to take loans. This has given rise to the use […]