How to use SeerBit with Lendsqr for loan repayment

How to use SeerBit with Lendsqr for loan repayment

For any lender, the most essential part of a loan is making sure it gets repaid. As a digital lender on Lendsqr, you need not worry because we provide the technologies to drive your loan repayments, partnering with one of the best payment providers -SeerBit,

Are lenders evil for charging high interest rates?

Are lenders evil for charging high interest rates?

The average lender today would typically charge 4% — 10% per month (48% — 120% per year) on a loan. Whoa. Does it make you wonder how they are able to recover loans with these rates? What probably immediately comes to mind is how crazy and horrible these rates are and that there is no […]

How to find a profitable lending niche and target the right borrowers
How to

How to find a profitable lending niche and target the right borrowers

As a loan business owner looking to succeed, scale and stand out in the lending ecosystem, you must recognize that you can’t lend to everyone. We’ve highlighted several ways to target the right borrowers and find a profitable niche.