How to restructure loans and work with struggling borrowers
How to

How to restructure loans and work with struggling borrowers

Loan restructuring is a common aspect of being a money lender. Borrowers, with sincere intentions to repay, often face hurdles such as economic shifts, unexpected emergencies, and other unforeseen circumstances. So, here are the ways you can help restructure loans for these borrowers.

APIs for lenders to reduce NPL

APIs for lenders to reduce NPL

The threat that bad loans pose to lenders can’t be overemphasized. A lot of lenders have had to write off an alarming amount of non-performing loans (NPL). As a lender, a big concern you’re often confronted with is “what if they don’t pay back?” It’s imperative to be able to recover your loans. This is […]

Building the right culture in your lending business
How to

Building the right culture in your lending business

Culture is a critical requirement for any business to achieve its business objectives. As the popular saying goes, “culture eats strategy for breakfast”. Well-thought out strategies, processes, policies, frameworks and models; without an enabling culture won’t return desired corporate values for any organization. A lending business, like any other business requires the right culture to […]