Urgent10k: Meeting the emergency cash needs of Nigerians
Lender case study

Urgent10k: Meeting the emergency cash needs of Nigerians

Nigeria’s untapped consumer credit needs currently stands at about N109 trillion. Urgent10k is meeting the emergency cash needs of Nigerians

How mobile SDK works for lending decisions
How to

How mobile SDK works for lending decisions

Are we the only ones who find it alarming that there are digital lenders who give out loans to Nigerians without a credit history? Where exactly is the confidence coming from? Many Nigerians don’t have a formal credit history but this is no surprise. The credit gap in Nigeria is N109 trillion wide and the […]

How to find a profitable lending niche and target the right borrowers
How to

How to find a profitable lending niche and target the right borrowers

As a loan business owner looking to succeed, scale and stand out in the lending ecosystem, you must recognize that you can’t lend to everyone. We’ve highlighted several ways to target the right borrowers and find a profitable niche.