How to grow your customer base as a lender 
How to

How to grow your customer base as a lender 

Having a large customer base is the goal of every business. Not only is it one of the pillars of growth, it also allows a lender to diversify their revenue base. A solid customer base is a sign of a healthy business and the quarter on quarter growth is a metric that every smart investor […]

Five Reasons Why You Should Embrace the “Sharing Economy” Today
Growth marketing

Five Reasons Why You Should Embrace the “Sharing Economy” Today

The phrase “sharing economy” is an umbrella term coined to describe social and economic activity of the new age.

How to use Lendsqr APIs to power your loan app

How to use Lendsqr APIs to power your loan app

A typical loan app primarily involves three (3) key things: Onboarding, Decisioning, and Payment. Use Lendsqr API to make this a reality.