Struggling to get the capital you need to run your loan business?

Struggling to get the capital you need to run your loan business?

We are happy to announce the Onlending initiative, which is geared towards providing capital to lenders at affordable rates to boost their operations and business. With this initiative, you can start or expand your lending business capacity without worrying about where and how to raise capital.

APIs for lenders to reduce NPL

APIs for lenders to reduce NPL

The threat that bad loans pose to lenders can’t be overemphasized. A lot of lenders have had to write off an alarming amount of non-performing loans (NPL). As a lender, a big concern you’re often confronted with is “what if they don’t pay back?” It’s imperative to be able to recover your loans. This is […]

Get bank accounts and statements of your borrowers. Almost free.

Get bank accounts and statements of your borrowers. Almost free.

Lending is a game of data – if you know as much as possible about your customer, you can make a good decision about if to give a loan, how much to give, or even for how long to give or not to give. However, getting this data is harder than breaking a coconut with […]