How to report unethical lenders
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How to report unethical lenders

Are you aware that you can report bad lenders who couldn’t possibly care less about conforming to lawful and responsible lending practices? We sincerely hope so. But we don’t live in an ideal world. As much as there are good and responsible lenders who recover loans ethically and understand that borrowers’ have a right to […]

7 strategies to avoid SME loan defaults as a Nigerian Lender
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7 strategies to avoid SME loan defaults as a Nigerian Lender

While SMEs are generally considered low-risk borrowers, given the ease of verifying their operations through cash flow assessments, on-ground assessments and more. Lending to them is not without its challenges. We’ve done the grunt work for you. Learn the strategies to avoid SME loan defaults as a Nigerian lender.

5 issues that lenders have with Nigerian credit bureaus
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5 issues that lenders have with Nigerian credit bureaus

Before credit bureaus were created in Nigeria, banks operated as lone wolves, reluctant to share credit information with third parties. They also didn’t have ways of knowing if a borrower had unpaid loans with other banks/financial institutions. As such, borrowers could easily secure multiple loans and cart away funds from different institutions without the lenders […]