How to use Lendsqr to power your company employee loans
How to

How to use Lendsqr to power your company employee loans

Happy employees are good for business. Lendsqr partners with your loan business to help keep them motivated, loyal, focused, and well taken care of especially during emergencies. See how!

How to assess the risks to a loan application

How to assess the risks to a loan application

Assessing/evaluating a loan application is all about weighing the risk to your money. The more you can reduce or eliminate that risk, the better. It all boils down to your confidence in the applicant’s credit worthiness. Assessing a loan application is the process by which you determine if an applicant qualifies for your loan, and […]

How to use Loandisk with Lendsqr
How to

How to use Loandisk with Lendsqr

Instead of choosing between Loandisk and Lendsqr loan management systems, lenders can access everything from unified platforms, having the best of both worlds.