Nigeria’s problems will be solved by access to credit

Nigeria’s problems will be solved by access to credit

Access to credit has historically been difficult in Nigeria. This is because, for years, big banks were the sole providers of financial services and those banks didn’t care too much for retail banking.

Why Nigerian banks will never win the consumer credit game

Why Nigerian banks will never win the consumer credit game

Consumer lending is basically loans to individuals, like me and you, to purchase goods and services. Of the forms of consumer lending, credit cards are perhaps the most popular. Yet, if you’re a Nigerian reading this, that last sentence is not very relatable, mostly because not only is consumer lending uncommon in Nigeria, credit card […]

6 practical tips to reduce loan processing times
How to

6 practical tips to reduce loan processing times

Fast loan processing doesn’t mean approving all loan requests, but deciding if a loan should be approved or not shouldn’t take forever.