7 reasons why your loan business struggles to attract borrowers

7 reasons why your loan business struggles to attract borrowers

So, you've kicked off your loan business. Now, you’re expecting a surge of customers. Despite your best efforts, the expected influx of customers hasn't materialized. Find out the possible reasons for low borrower numbers in your loan business.

8 signs a borrower would default 
Industry Information

8 signs a borrower would default 

Any lender who plans to run a profitable loan business and not a charity organization must keep a sharp eye out for signs that a borrower might bail on their loan repayments.

How to grow your customer base as a lender 
How to

How to grow your customer base as a lender 

Having a large customer base is the goal of every business. Not only is it one of the pillars of growth, it also allows a lender to diversify their revenue base. A solid customer base is a sign of a healthy business and the quarter on quarter growth is a metric that every smart investor […]