How the Lendsqr Karma service blocks bad actors and defaulters

How the Lendsqr Karma service blocks bad actors and defaulters

The greatest weapon of most unrepentant serial loan defaulters is the “lack of updated information”. Bad actors know that lenders don’t share information amongst themselves so often. With an opportunity laid out for them, they take advantage by going from one lender to another causing great financial distress. This unfortunate circumstance is uncommon with any […]

Requirements for a moneylenders license in Nigeria

Requirements for a moneylenders license in Nigeria

Lending is a profitable business whose economic significance can’t be disregarded. There are a few hurdles to scale to become a lender and getting a moneylenders license is one of them. Lenders need to be licensed, if not, they can’t start a money lending business legitimately. You can read more about how to determine the […]

Key loan management software features for improved performance

Key loan management software features for improved performance

Lending without technology is a step backwards which can adversely impact your profitability. To navigate the complexities of lending, having the right loan management software is indispensable.