Preparing your income statement as a lender- management accounting 101
How to

Preparing your income statement as a lender- management accounting 101

No one likes the boring routine of bookkeeping and punching in numbers; but management accounting is a highly important for your lending business.

How to use Lendsqr APIs to power your loan app

How to use Lendsqr APIs to power your loan app

A typical loan app primarily involves three (3) key things: Onboarding, Decisioning, and Payment. Use Lendsqr API to make this a reality.

Why you should digitize your Ajo lending business
How to

Why you should digitize your Ajo lending business

Savings and investment have been an integral part of our local community from pre-colonial times. This largely due to the communal nature of the African community – we naturally tend to look out for each other, even where finances are concerned. The advent of formal and structured financing avenues have not completely substituted the thrift […]