Categories of low-risk borrowers lenders should target

Categories of low-risk borrowers lenders should target

Saying, “I don't want high-risk borrowers,” is one thing; articulating the low-risk customers you seek is another. We have done the grunt work of identifying and categorizing traditionally low-risk borrowers.

6 features in your loan app that chases borrowers away

6 features in your loan app that chases borrowers away

Let's explore these potential red flags and how to ensure your loan app attracts, rather than repels, the very customers it aims to serve.

Get bank accounts and statements of your borrowers. Almost free.

Get bank accounts and statements of your borrowers. Almost free.

Lending is a game of data – if you know as much as possible about your customer, you can make a good decision about if to give a loan, how much to give, or even for how long to give or not to give. However, getting this data is harder than breaking a coconut with […]