Combating fraud in the lending ecosystem: Your role as a digital lender

Combating fraud in the lending ecosystem: Your role as a digital lender

Fraudsters bank on your silence and my silence to thrive; they are aware that their victims will stay quiet, as they may face jeers and sneers if they admit to getting scammed. Hence, these grifters continue to succeed in their dishonest schemes. How then do we combat fraud?

3 best React Native alternatives for building mobile loan apps 

3 best React Native alternatives for building mobile loan apps 

In the world of mobile app development, there are many ways to skin a cat, and React Native is one of them.

Why we built our lenders’ web app and how it has changed lending forever

Why we built our lenders’ web app and how it has changed lending forever

“It’s going to change lending forever and we’re not ashamed to say we will be the ones to do that.” Adedeji Olowe, Founder, Lendsqr