How to get started as a lender in Tanzania
Lender information

How to get started as a lender in Tanzania

If you've ever thought about making a difference with your investment, now might be the perfect time to get started as a lender in Tanzania.

Best loan management software for Ugandan lenders: Lendsqr vs. Ssentezo
Lender information

Best loan management software for Ugandan lenders: Lendsqr vs. Ssentezo

The financial landscape in Uganda is changing rapidly, with more people seeking access to credit than ever before. The demand for credit is surging from small businesses looking for working capital to individuals needing personal loans. According to the Bank of Uganda, the number of credit-active consumers is growing steadily, driven by increased mobile penetration […]

Why Lendsqr is Africa’s most affordable loan management software
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Why Lendsqr is Africa’s most affordable loan management software

The end-to-end loan management software that’s rewriting the rules for lenders globally by offering enterprise-grade features without the enterprise-grade costs.

What factors affect loan interest rates?
Growth marketing

What factors affect loan interest rates?

But here's the thing: interest rates aren't plucked out of thin air. Many factors shape them. Things you and I might not think about when we're in the heat of the moment.

Are you still chasing payments? Direct debit can turn your loan collections around
Lender information

Are you still chasing payments? Direct debit can turn your loan collections around

Why endure the headache of chasing payments when direct debit can do the hard work for you?

5 reasons why you should embed credit into your products and services

5 reasons why you should embed credit into your products and services

Even the most compelling marketing efforts can fail if consumers lack the means to pay. This is where embed credit becomes indispensable. 

GSI vs Direct Debit: Similarities and differences

GSI vs Direct Debit: Similarities and differences

To clear the air and empower lenders to make informed decisions, let’s dive into the nuances between GSI vs direct debit.

Why and how Lendsqr doesn’t work with predatory lenders

Why and how Lendsqr doesn’t work with predatory lenders

We've met a lot of predatory lenders. This is why we've implemented stringent measures to protect our platform and our users.

Essential lending APIs for every lender

Essential lending APIs for every lender

To keep up with the demand for fast, personalized service, lenders need to speed up their processes and use more data to meet customer expectations. That’s where Application Programming Interface (APIs) comes in. 

Make Better Informed Decisions

Our decision model Oraculi helps you handle all modules required to form the decision model for your lending business, convenient and easy.

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How to use Mono with Lendsqr for credit scoring
How to

How to use Mono with Lendsqr for credit scoring

One of these leading providers, Mono, is a technology company founded in 2020 by CEO Abdulhamid Hassan. They are on a mission to power the digital economy in Africa, using open banking as a layer for financial data, identity data, and bank transfer payments for businesses. 

The power of lending APIs
Industry Information

The power of lending APIs

The lending sector is plagued by players reinventing the wheel but Lendsqr's lending APIs aims to break lenders free from this constraint.