How to obtain a lending license in Rwanda
How to

How to obtain a lending license in Rwanda

As a lender getting the hang of the lending industry in Rwanda today, a thorough understanding of the legal frameworks is required.

Paystack vs. Flutterwave – which is better for loan collection?
How to

Paystack vs. Flutterwave – which is better for loan collection?

For anyone running a lending business, loan repayment from customers on time is the number one priority. Now that a significant portion of lending is digital, getting paid online is very critical. This is where many lenders get into arguments about which of Flutterwave or Paystack is better for loan collection. We decided to find […]

APIs for lenders to reduce NPL

APIs for lenders to reduce NPL

The threat that bad loans pose to lenders can’t be overemphasized. A lot of lenders have had to write off an alarming amount of non-performing loans (NPL). As a lender, a big concern you’re often confronted with is “what if they don’t pay back?” It’s imperative to be able to recover your loans. This is […]