Let’s help you separate sheep from wolves!
We both know that not all customers are the same: some are angels, others are less salubrious; some are good for the money, and others will probably fleece you. How then do you separate the wheat from chaff or the sheep from the wolves? Or how do you even meet regulatory demands of Know Your […]
Expand your lending business with customer incentives
Human psychology indicates that human beings make purchase decisions based on emotions which are subsequently justified by rational suggestions. According to Simon Sinek, it’s easier to sell a product that’s emotionally charged. This is where incentives come in. Humans as consumers generally respond to incentives as a big motivating factor for their purchase decisions. The […]
How to grow your customer base as a lender
Having a large customer base is the goal of every business. Not only is it one of the pillars of growth, it also allows a lender to diversify their revenue base. A solid customer base is a sign of a healthy business and the quarter on quarter growth is a metric that every smart investor […]