How we use Metabase to power our internal reporting

How we use Metabase to power our internal reporting

Metabase team deserves immense credit and we, at Lendsqr, are incredibly grateful to them. Their open-source platform is one of the best things we've ever gotten for free from the open source world.

What it takes to be a digital money lender
How to

What it takes to be a digital money lender

Fintech, especially digital lending, is one of the fastest growing sectors in every economy in the world. It’s no surprise that everyone wants to dabble into digital lending as their first foray into the exciting and extremely innovative world of fintech. But should you be a digital lender?

Indicina vs Lendsqr: Which loan management platform suits your needs?

Indicina vs Lendsqr: Which loan management platform suits your needs?

With many options available in the market, two prominent loan management platforms that often stand out are Indicina and Lendsqr. Learn more about them.