When to go legal with loan defaulters
Whether you're a small lender or a big institution, the decision to pursue legal action against a defaulter is governed by various factors, including the loan type, the borrower's behavior, and, most importantly, the legal framework in your jurisdiction.
When silence speaks volume: communicating with defaulters 101
For small and medium lenders, communicating with defaulters is like walking a tightrope. Do it well; you might salvage the relationship and recover your money. Handle it poorly, and you risk losing not just your funds but also your reputation.
How some Nigerians get into chronic debt, and how to get out
Let's face it – getting caught in a debt spiral is easier than we'd like to admit. Kiki's story shows how quickly a celebration can turn into a financial nightmare. But here's the good news: there's always a way out, even when things seem hopeless.
5 key qualities borrowers look for in a lender
While countless articles detail what lenders want in a borrower, we've flipped the script to highlight what borrowers look for in a lender. So, what qualities convince a borrower that a lender is the right choice?