What payment gateways are available to Lendsqr lenders?

What payment gateways are available to Lendsqr lenders?

At the core of any decent loan management software, you must have payment services or providers that help you manage your loan disbursement and collection process.

How to use Remita for your loan repayments on Lendsqr

How to use Remita for your loan repayments on Lendsqr

As a digital money lender, you want to make getting paid a breeze for you and your customers. Direct debit is one of the best ways to get repaid. In Nigeria today, Remita happens to be one of the leading direct debit providers.

10 intriguing facts about Lendsqr

10 intriguing facts about Lendsqr

Lendsqr is way more than a loan management platform. At the core of our services is a story. One woven with threads of innovation and, some might say intrigue.