The possible upsides of making GSI the go-to loan repayment method

The possible upsides of making GSI the go-to loan repayment method

The Federal government initiated the Global Standing Instruction (GSI) to nip the issue of non-performing loans and unrepentant loan defaulters in the bud. Unfortunately, the implementation of this very powerful tool has been limited.

How to use TransUnion with Lendsqr for credit scoring
How to

How to use TransUnion with Lendsqr for credit scoring

To integrate TransUnion with your Lendsqr loan management software is a walk in the park because Lendsqr has gone ahead to do the heavy lifting.

The 4 best Monnify alternatives for virtual accounts
How to

The 4 best Monnify alternatives for virtual accounts

Even with Monnify’s solid reputation, you may have specific business needs, pricing differences or want specific features so your business might benefit from exploring other options.