Why You Should Invest in a Lending Business

Why You Should Invest in a Lending Business

If you are interested in making extra cash by borrowing out some of your excess funds to individuals, then you consider investing in a lending business

How to Sell Your Loan Products

How to Sell Your Loan Products

In our posts on getting your lending business up and running, we mentioned that the next step after creating your loan products was to invite borrowers to view and apply for them. In this post, we will be talking a bit about that process, which is really all about “selling” your loan products.

Wonder what types of loans exist? We’ve broken them down for you

Wonder what types of loans exist? We’ve broken them down for you

As a new lender, the most important information you will seek to find out is knowing what types of loans exists and what loans you can offer.

Make Better Informed Decisions

Our decision model Oraculi helps you handle all modules required to form the decision model for your lending business, convenient and easy.

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